Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week 1 Template

Thursday September 8th 2016~ Week #1-

Hi! My name is Teressa Bartley. This semester I am taking 4 classes. I am very excited to start this class.  I am a mother of two boys 2 & 8. Online classes allow me to go to school full time. I am new to blogging and am very interested in the process.

I chose this template because I think it looks professional. I like that I can add more stuff later. I am a visual learner and love to take pictures. I really hope that we will have a chance to submit photos on the blog.

Good Luck!


  1. Hi Teressa!

    This class has been intensely interesting so far. I agree with you that this template looks serious and professional. I am pretty sure you will be able to upload pictures to your blog.

  2. Hello Teressa,

    I'm siding with you two. The neutral tones do lend toward a more corporate mood. I do also feel like some color would be really good to maybe balance it some more. You have actually inspired me to include pictures in my posts from now on. :-)

  3. Yes! I agree that this template looks very professional. Pictures will ad a little color in future posts. Good pick!

  4. You have excellent setup for a blogg.

  5. Hi there Teressa,

    Great selection on your blog template, as a photographer you have left yourself a clean palette to display all of your colorful photos without distraction from the background. I also feel the template itself is a quiet, yet professional choice, that allows for personal manipulation in the future if you desire to do so (such as text color changes, or font styles).

    Congratulations on your four classes this semester, that certainly seems like a handful, and I can completely understand when you say online classes allow for more freedom to attend full time. As a military family, also with little ones, online classes are often the only way I can attend school, like you I am super grateful for it.

    Best wishes with your future blogging, I know you’ll do great if you are as excited and interested as you seem! I’m looking forward to seeing some of your photos!

    Best wishes,

